ABSTRACT Gas clathrates are both a resource and a hindrance. They store massive quantities of natural gas but also can clog natural gas pipelines, with disastrous consequences. Eco-friendly technologies for controlling and modulating gas clathrate growth are needed. Type I Antifreeze Proteins (AFPs) from cold-water fish have been shown to bind to gas clathrates via repeating motifs of threonine and alanine. We tested whether proteins encoded in the genomes of bacteria native to natural gas clathrates bind to and alter clathrate morphology. We identified putative clathrate-binding proteins (CBPs) with multiple threonine/alanine motifs in a putative operon ( cbp ) in metagenomes from natural clathrate deposits. We recombinantly expressed and purified five CbpA proteins, four of which were stable, and experimentally confirmed that CbpAs bound to tetrahydrofuran (THF) clathrate, a low-pressure analog for structure II gas clathrate. When grown in the presence of CbpAs, THF clathrate was polycrystalline and plate-like instead of forming single, octahedral crystals. Two CbpAs yielded branching clathrate crystals, similar to the effect of Type I AFP, while the other two produced hexagonal crystals parallel to the [1 1 1] plane, suggesting two distinct binding modes. Bacterial CBPs may find future utility in industry, such as maintaining a plate-like structure during gas clathrate transportation. Table of Contents Graphic