Abstract Reward can increase the speed and accuracy of movements in both simple and sequential reaching tasks. Two mechanisms are thought to be responsible for this: an increase in maximum velocity, due to increased muscle stiffness, resulting in faster, but energetically inefficient, individual movements; or coarticulation – the blending of sub-movements into single, smoother, more energetically efficient movements. Older adults have shown reduced sensitivity to reward in decision paradigms, but there is little research relating reward and motor performance in older adults. Using a novel online sequential reaching task, we compared the effects of reward on motor performance between young (18-23 years) and older (65-79 years) participants. We found that movement time decreased across training in all groups, and reward invigorated this decrease in both age groups. This suggests that reward is a viable facilitator of motor performance to compensate for age-related motor decline and has the potential for use in the design of rehabilitation programmes for age-related motor deficits or disease.