Most practical applications of photocatalysts will involve coatings on an inert support; here we have examined how copper doping of spin coated porous TiO2 films affects their physical characteristics and photocatalytic activity. The photocatalytic degradation of stearic acid was used as a measure of photocatalytic activity for catalysts spin coated from a sol-gel onto glass with 0, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2.5 and 5 wt% copper introduced into the catalyst lattice before gelation. The effects of spin coating speed on film thickness, structure and band gap were studied and the nature of the copper incorporated into the films examined with XPS and XANES measurements. Increased spin coating speeds reduces the thickness of the deposited films from ~ 50 μm to ~ 20 μm until a spin speed of ~ 3000 rpm at which point non-Newtonian behaviour of the gels prevents further reductions in film thickness. A larger effect on film thickness is the presence of the added copper nitrate which results in thinner films. After calcining, XANES shows the bulk of the copper to be in a Cu(II) state but at the surface of the thinnest, most active films XPS shows only Cu(I). Photocatalytic activity is much more strongly affected by the presence of the copper than the thickness of the films with 0.1 wt% Cu catalysts as much as 10 times more active than the undoped catalysts. Increasing the copper content, however, reduces activity until at ~ 5 wt% activity is lower than for the pure TiO2 films.