The genome sequence and its analysis of the diploid wild wheat Triticum urartu (progenitor of the wheat A genome) represent a tool for studying the complex, polyploid wheat genomes and should be a valuable resource for the genetic improvement of wheat. The hexaploid genome of bread wheat Triticum aestivum, designated AABBDD, evolved as a result of hybridization between three ancestral grasses. Two papers published in the issue of Nature present genome sequences and analysis of two of these wheat progenitors. First, the genome sequence of the diploid wild wheat T. urartu (ancestor of the A genome), which resembles cultivated wheat more strongly than either Aegilops speltoides (the B ancestor) or Ae. tauschii (the D donor). And second, the Ae. tauschii genome, together with an analysis of its transcriptome. These genomes and their analyses will be powerful tools for the study of complex, polyploid wheat genomes and a valuable resource for genetic improvement of wheat. Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum, AABBDD) is one of the most widely cultivated and consumed food crops in the world. However, the complex polyploid nature of its genome makes genetic and functional analyses extremely challenging. The A genome, as a basic genome of bread wheat and other polyploid wheats, for example, T. turgidum (AABB), T. timopheevii (AAGG) and T. zhukovskyi (AAGGAmAm), is central to wheat evolution, domestication and genetic improvement1. The progenitor species of the A genome is the diploid wild einkorn wheat T. urartu2, which resembles cultivated wheat more extensively than do Aegilops speltoides (the ancestor of the B genome3) and Ae. tauschii (the donor of the D genome4), especially in the morphology and development of spike and seed. Here we present the generation, assembly and analysis of a whole-genome shotgun draft sequence of the T. urartu genome. We identified protein-coding gene models, performed genome structure analyses and assessed its utility for analysing agronomically important genes and for developing molecular markers. Our T. urartu genome assembly provides a diploid reference for analysis of polyploid wheat genomes and is a valuable resource for the genetic improvement of wheat.