This paper explores the transformative potential of augmented reality (AR) technology in empowering students with intellectual disabilities within educational settings. Understanding the challenges faced by these students and the limitations of traditional teaching methods, this study investigates the benefits and implications of integrating AR applications into special education. By examining the multifaceted advantages of AR, including enhanced engagement, personalized learning experiences, and the development of social and communication skills, this research highlights the positive impact of AR on the educational outcomes of students with intellectual disabilities. Additionally, the paper discusses the challenges associated with implementing AR, such as accessibility, ethical considerations, and educator training needs. Drawing upon case studies and practical strategies, it offers insights into the effective utilization of AR to create inclusive learning environments and emphasizes the necessity of collaboration among educators, technologists, and caregivers. Furthermore, this paper outlines future directions and policy recommendations to support the sustained integration of AR in special education, advocating for continued research and advancement in this field.