The increasing amount of scientific literature in biological and biomedical science research has created a challenge in the continuous and reliable curation of the latest knowledge discovered, and automatic biomedical text-mining has been one of the answers to this challenge. In this paper, we aim to further improve the reliability of biomedical text-mining by training the system to directly simulate the human behaviors such as querying the PubMed, selecting articles from queried results, and reading selected articles for knowledge. We take advantage of the efficiency of biomedical text-mining, the flexibility of deep reinforcement learning, and the massive amount of knowledge collected in UMLS into an integrative artificial intelligent reader that can automatically identify the authentic articles and effectively acquire the knowledge conveyed in the articles. We construct a system, whose current primary task is to build the genetic association database between genes and complex traits of the human. Our contributions in this paper are three-fold: 1) We propose to improve the reliability of text-mining by building a system that can directly simulate the behavior of a researcher, and we develop corresponding methods, such as Bi-directional LSTM for text mining and Deep Q-Network for organizing behaviors. 2) We demonstrate the effectiveness of our system with an example in constructing a genetic association database. 3) We release our implementation as a generic framework for researchers in the community to conveniently construct other databases.