The primary geological conditions for hydrothermal systems can be reconstructed using fluid inclusions, which generally requires that fluid inclusions trapped a single homogeneous phase and experienced no mass and volume changes after entrapment (Roedder's Rules). However, heterogeneous entrapment and post-entrapment modifications have been frequently identified in fluid inclusion studies, making the recovery of primary of fluid properties from fluid inclusion data challenging or impossible. In this study, we constructed a specific tool, FlincPro, for the calculations of ideal and nonideal Fluid inclusion Properties in the H2O-NaCl system (ideal here refers to fluid inclusions that adhere to Roedder's Rules). Multiple modules have been developed to quantify the variations of fluid inclusion properties caused by heterogeneous entrapment, volume contraction/expansion, and water loss. The developed software illustrates possibilities in the variation of fluid inclusions in a specific assemblage with the input of a certain starting point. We found that compositions of the vapor endmember fluid are more significantly affected by heterogeneous entrapment than the liquid endmember, as the latter has several orders of magnitude higher salinity and density. Homogenization pressure and temperature of halite-bearing fluid inclusions trapped on the halite liquidus will increase sharply with the addition of halite, but the homogenization behavior will not be changed. Volume contraction/expansion are effective ways to change the homogenization behaviors, especially for high salinity fluid inclusions. Water loss is not likely to cause the homogenization behavior change from total homogenization by vapor disappearance to total homogenization by halite dissolution for a halite-bearing fluid inclusion without additional volume contraction. Low-salinity and low-density fluid inclusions with total homogenization temperature around the critical temperature of water are least affected by post-entrapment modifications. Therefore, the interpretation of fluid inclusions formation depends on more parameters, e.g., petrographic observations, density and composition variations in fluid inclusion assemblages, and geological information, than only microthermometric data.