The inclusive cross-section for the associated production of a $W$ boson andtop quark is measured using data from proton-proton collisions at$\sqrt{s}={13}$ TeV. The dataset corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 3.2fb$^{-1}$, and was collected in 2015 by the ATLAS detector at the Large HadronCollider at CERN. Events are selected requiring two opposite sign isolatedleptons and at least one jet; they are separated into signal and controlregions based on their jet multiplicity and the number of jets that areidentified as containing $b$ hadrons. The $Wt$ signal is then separated fromthe $t\bar{t}$ background using boosted decision tree discriminants in tworegions. The cross-section is extracted by fitting templates to the datadistributions, and is measured to be $94 \pm 10$ (stat.)$^{+28}_{-22}$ (syst.)$\pm 2$ (lumi.) pb. The measurement is in agreement with the Standard Modelprediction of $\sigma_{\mathrm{theory}} = 71.7 \pm 1.8\,(\mathrm{scale})\,\pm3.4\,(\mathrm{PDF})\,\mathrm{pb}$.