Hypoxia is an important environmental cue implicated in several physiopathological processes, including heart development. Several mouse models of activation or inhibition of hypoxia have been previously described. While gain of function models have been extensively characterized and indicate that HIF1 signaling needs to be tightly regulated to ensure a proper cardiac development, there is lack of consensus in the field about the functional outcomes of HIF1α loss. In this study, we aim to assess the consequences of cardiac deletion of HIF1α during heart development and identify the cardiac adaptations to HIF1 loss. Here, we used a conditional deletion model of Hif1a in NKX2.5+ cardiac progenitors. By a combination of histology, electron microscopy, massive gene expression studies, proteomics, metabolomics and cardiac imaging, we found that HIF1α is dispensable for cardiac development. Hif1a loss results in glycolytic inhibition in the embryonic heart without affecting normal cardiac growth. However, together with a premature increase in mitochondrial number by E12.5, we found global upregulation of amino acid transport and catabolic processes. Interestingly, this amino acid catabolism activation is transient and does not preclude the normal cardiac metabolic switch towards fatty acid oxidation (FAO) after E14.5. Moreover, Hif1a loss is accompanied by an increase in ATF4, described as an important regulator of several amino acid transporters. Our data indicate that HIF1α is not required for normal cardiac development and suggest that additional mechanisms can compensate Hif1a loss. Moreover, our results reveal the metabolic flexibility of the embryonic heart at early stages of development, showing the capacity of the myocardium to adapt its energy source to satisfy the energetic and building blocks demands to achieve normal cardiac growth and function. This metabolic reprograming might be relevant in the setting of adult cardiac failure.