Calcium oscillations and waves are often behind instances of extra depolarization in cardiac cells, eventually giving rise to life-threatening arrhythmias. In this work, we study the conditions for the appearance of calcium oscillations in both a detailed subcellular model of calcium dynamics and a minimal model that takes into account just the minimal ingredients of the calcium toolkit. To avoid the effects of homeostatic changes and the interaction with the action potential we consider the somewhat artificial condition of a cell without pacing and with no calcium exchange with the extracellular medium. This permits us to isolate the main reasons responsible for the oscillations by controlling externally the total calcium content of the cell. We find that as the calcium content is increased, the system transitions between two stationary states, corresponding to one with closed ryanodine receptors (RyR) and most calcium in the cell stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), and another, with open RyRs and a depleted SR. In between these states, calcium oscillations may appear. This transition depends very sensitively in the amount of buffering in the cell. We find, for instance, that at high values of calsequestrin (CSQ) oscillations disappear, while they are present for a broad range of parameters at low values of CSQ. Using the minimal model, we can relate the stability of the oscillating state to the nullcline structure of the system, and find that its range of existence is bounded by a homoclinic and a Hopf bifurcation.