Recognition memory is the ability to recognize previously encountered events, objects, or people. It is characterized by its robustness and rapidness. Even this relatively simple ability requires the coordinated activity of a surprisingly large number of brain regions. These spatially distributed, but functionally linked regions are interconnected into large-scale networks. Understanding memory requires an examination of the involvement of these networks and the interactions between different regions while memory processes unfold. However, little is known about the dynamical organization of large-scale networks during the early phases of recognition memory. We recorded intracranial EEG, which affords high temporal and spatial resolution, while epileptic subjects performed a visual recognition memory task. We analyzed dynamic functional and effective connectivity as well as network properties. Various networks were identified, each with its specific characteristics regarding information flow (feedforward or feedback), dynamics, topology, and stability. The first network mainly involved the right visual ventral stream and bilateral frontal regions. It was characterized by early predominant feedforward activity, modular topology, and high stability. It was followed by the involvement of a second network, mainly in the left hemisphere, but notably also involving the right hippocampus, characterized by later feedback activity, integrated topology, and lower stability. The transition between networks was associated with a change in network topology. Overall, these results confirm that several large-scale brain networks, each with specific properties and temporal manifestation, are involved during recognition memory. Ultimately, understanding how the brain dynamically faces rapid changes in cognitive demand is vital to our comprehension of the neural basis of cognition.