Abstract Adipose tissue is a highly dynamic organ with complex cellular composition. Aging induces adipose tissue function decline and relocation of peripheral adipose tissue to abdominal compartment, which often associated with inflammation and metabolic disorders. Here we performed single-cell RNA sequencing to comprehensively and unbiasedly deconvolve how subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) responses to aging. We collected >25,000 stromal vascular cells from abdominal and gluteofemoral SAT of young and old donors. Analyses of transcription signatures and cell networks uncovered impaired adipogenesis and extracellular matrix synthesis capacity of APC, altered metabolic phenotype of immune cells and shifted tissue-dominating cells that can be used to predict adipose tissue aging. We also reported aging-associated distinct transcriptional program between gluteofemoral SAT and abdominal SAT. Our work thus reveals unanticipated cellular, immunological, metabolic and site-specific aspects of human adipose tissues aging process, providing valuable resource for better understanding of aging-associated adipose tissue dysfunction.