We study holographic entanglement entropy (HEE) of $m$ strips in variousholographic theories. We prove that for $m$ strips with equal lengths and equalseparations, there are only 2 bulk minimal surfaces. For backgrounds whichcontain also "disconnected" surfaces, there are only 4 bulk minimal surfaces.Depending on the length of the strips and separation between them, the HEEexhibits first order "geometric" phase transitions between bulk minimalsurfaces with different topologies. We study these different phases and displayvarious phase diagrams. For confining geometries with $m$ strips, we find newclasses of "disconnected" bulk minimal surfaces, and the resulting phasediagrams have a rich structure. We also study the "entanglement plateau"transition, where we consider the BTZ black hole in global coordinates with 2strips. It is found that there are 4 bulk minimal surfaces, and the resultingphase diagram is displayed. We perform a general perturbative analysis of the$m$-strip system: including perturbing the CFT and perturbing the length orseparation of the strips.