The fundamental physical properties of doped ${\mathrm{LaMnO}}_{3},$ generically termed ``manganites,'' and much of the underlying physics, were known more than 40 years ago. This article first reviews progress made at that time, the concept of double exchange in particular, and points out the missing elements that have led to a massive resurgence of interest in these and related materials. More recent research is then described, treating first the ground states that emerge as divalent atoms are substituted for trivalent La. A wide range of ground states appear, including ferromagnetic metals, orbital- and charge-ordered antiferromagnets, and more complex stripe and spin-glass states. Because of the interest in so-called colossal magnetoresistance that occurs in the ferromagnetic/metallic composition range, a section is devoted to reviewing the atypical properties of that phase. Next the high-temperature phase is examined, in particular, evidence for the formation of self-trapped small polarons and the importance of Jahn-Teller coupling in this process. The transitions between the high-temperature polaronic phase and the ferromagnetic and charge-ordered states are treated in a fourth section. In each section, the authors stress the competition among charge, spin, and lattice coupling and review the current state of theoretical understanding. They conclude with some comments on the impact that research on these materials has on our understanding of doped oxides and other strongly correlated electronic materials.