If suitable quantum optical interactions were available, transforming the field mode operators in a nonlinear fashion, the all-photonics platform could be one of the strongest contenders for realizing a quantum computer. While single-photon qubits may be processed directly, “brighter” logical qubits may be embedded in individual oscillator modes, using so-called bosonic codes, for an in-principle fault-tolerant processing. In this paper, we show how elements of all-optical, universal, and fault-tolerant quantum computation can be implemented using only beam splitters together with single-mode cubic phase gates in reasonable numbers, and possibly off-line squeezed-state or single-photon resources. Our approach is based on a decomposition technique combining exact gate decompositions and approximate Trotterization. This allows for efficient decompositions of certain nonlinear continuous-variable multimode gates into the elementary gates, where the few cubic gates needed may even be weak or all identical, thus facilitating potential experiments. The final gate operations include two-mode controlled phase rotation and three-mode Rabi-type Hamiltonian gates, which are shown to be employable for realizing high-fidelity single-photon two-qubit entangling gates or creating high-quality Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill states. We expect our method to be of general use with various applications, including those that rely on quartic Kerr-type interactions. Published by the American Physical Society 2024