The ability of quantum states to be in superposition is one of the key features that sets them apart from the classical world. This “coherence” is rigorously quantified by resource theories, which aim to understand how such properties may be exploited in quantum technologies. There has been much research on what the resource theory of coherence can reveal about quantum metrology, almost all of which has been from the viewpoint of Fisher information. We prove, however, that the relative entropy of coherence, and its recent generalization to positive operator-valued measures (POVMs), naturally quantify the performance of Bayesian metrology. In particular, we show how a coherence measure can be applied to an ensemble of states. We then prove that during parameter estimation, the ensemble relative entropy of coherence (C) is equal to the difference between the optimal Holevo information (X), and the mutual information attained by a measurement (I). We call this relation the CXI equality. The ensemble coherence lets us visualize how much information is locked away in superposition and hence is inaccessible with a given measurement scheme and quantifies the advantage that would be gained by using a joint measurement on multiple states. Our results hold regardless of how the parameter is encoded in the state, encompassing unitary, dissipative, and discrete settings. We consider both projective measurements and general POVMs. This work suggests new directions for research in coherence, provides a novel operation interpretation for the relative entropy of coherence and its POVM generalization, and introduces a new tool to study the role of quantum features in metrology. Published by the American Physical Society 2024