We present a model of traffic flow, with rules that describe the behaviour ofautomated vehicles in an open system. We show first of all that the fundamentaldiagram of this system collapses to a point, where states of free and jammedtraffic can coexist in phase space. This leads us to consider separately theroles of average velocities and densities as better descriptors of the actualstate of the traffic. Next, we observe that the transition between free andjammed traffic as a function of the braking parameter R is different for highand low initial densities, in the steady state; it turns out to be 'smearedout' for low densities, a behaviour which is already portended by the transientbehaviour of the system. Our results indicate strongly that, at least for suchmodels, two effective temperatures (one related to R, and the other to thedensity) are needed to describe the global behaviour of this system instatistical mechanical terms. Analogies with granular flow are discussed inthis context.