Shewanella putrefaciens, commonly found in seafood, forms tenacious biofilms on various surfaces, contributing to spoilage and cross-contamination. Bacteriophages, owing to their potent lytic capabilities, have emerged as novel and safe options for preventing and eliminating contaminants across various foods and food processing environments. In this study, a novel phage SPX1 was isolated, characterized by a high burst size (43.81 ± 3.01 PFU/CFU) and a short latent period (10 min). SPX1 belongs to the Caudoviricetes class, exhibits resistance to chloroform, and sensitivity to ultraviolet. It shows stability over a wide range of temperatures (30-50 °C) and pH levels (3-11). The genome of phage SPX1 consists of 53,428 bp with 49.72 % G + C composition, and lacks tRNAs or virulence factors. Genome analysis revealed the presence of two endolysins, confirming its biofilm-removal capacity. Following the treatment of shrimp surface biofilm with the optimal MOI of 0.001 of phage SPX1 for 5 h, the bacterial count decreased by 1.84 ± 0.1 log