We present NLO electroweak corrections to Higgs production in associationwith off-shell top-antitop quark pairs. The full process$\text{p}\text{p}\to\text{e}^+\nu_{\text{e}}\mu^-\bar{\nu}_\mu\text{b}\bar{\text{b}} \text{H}$ is considered, and hence allinterference, off-shell, and non-resonant contributions are taken into account.The electroweak corrections turn out to be below one per cent for theintegrated cross section but can exceed $10\%$ in certain phase-space regions.In addition to its phenomenological relevance, the computation constitutes amajor technical achievement as the full NLO virtual corrections involving up to9-point functions have been computed exactly. The results of the fullcomputation are supported by two calculations in the double-pole approximation.These also allow to infer the effect of off-shell contributions and emphasisetheir importance especially for the run II of the LHC. Finally, we presentcombined predictions featuring both NLO electroweak and QCD corrections in acommon set-up that will help the experimental collaborations in their quest ofprecisely measuring the aforementioned process.