Motivation: Deep learning (DL) is powerful for fast MRI reconstruction, but remains largely untapped in multiple clinical imaging scenarios. Goal(s): To provide a feasible and cost-effective way to markedly boost the widespread usage of DL in various fast MRI applications. Approach: In this work, we present a Physics-Informed Synthetic data learning framework for Fast MRI, called PISF, which is the first to enable generalizable DL for multi-scenario MRI reconstruction using solely one trained model. Results: PISF trained on synthetic data enables high-quality, ultra-fast, and robust MRI reconstruction from different 4contrasts, 5 anatomies, 5 vendors and centers, and 2 pathologies, without further re-training. Impact: Physics-informed synthetic data learning (DL) provides a feasible and cost-effective way to markedly boost the widespread usage of DL in various fast MRI applications, while freeing from the intractable ethical and practical considerations of in vivo human data acquisitions.