Motivation: Correct identification of the typical appearance of the distinct uterine corpus layers during the menstrual cycle is crucial for evaluating uterine lesions. Goal(s): To investigate the diffusion and perfusion of uterine corpus fluctuate during menstrual cycle. Approach: Thirty-one volunteers underwent standard pelvic IVIM-DWI in menstrual period, mid-proliferative period and mid-secretory period. The differences of D, D*, f and f ×D* among three-layer structure or different menstrual period were compared. Results: It was found that an exacerbation of diffusion restriction, occurring from the menstrual period to the mid-secretory period, and perfusion driven by IVIM of uterine corpus was generally decreased, especially in endometrium. Impact: Considering the menstrual status is necessary on assessment of uterine lesions. It is recommended to study uterine lesions within the same menstrual cycle.