In this study, we proposed and validated a temperature fiber sensor based on optical signal capture Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (OSC-MZI) with high-precision temperature measurement capabilities. By creating three air cavities on a continuously offset-spliced no-core fiber (NCF), the optical signal experiences reflection and divergence within these cavities, which enhances the optical path of propagating light. Gradually, filling these NCF cavities with polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) microspheres to increase the light coupling efficiency and as a sensing unit. Due to the directly contact between the optical fiber waveguide and PMMA, the state of incident lights is easily influenced by the refractive index (RI) variations of PMMA. When the environmental temperature changes, RI of the PMMA with high thermal-optic coefficient shows marked change, which finally leads to the obvious wavelength shift of interference dips in the transmission spectrum. Experimental results show that MZI coated with the polymer materials achieves a temperature sensitivity of up to 2.04 nm/°C within the temperature range of 25-50 °C. Furthermore, as an interference-based MZI sensor, its total length is only 4.75 mm. The proposed OSC-MZI provides a new approach for combining optical fiber sensors with polymer materials.