No AccessJournal of UrologyAdult Urology: Oncology: Prostate/Testis/Penis/Urethra1 Mar 2005PATIENTS WITH PENILE CARCINOMA BENEFIT FROM IMMEDIATE RESECTION OF CLINICALLY OCCULT LYMPH NODE METASTASES B.K. KROON, S. HORENBLAS, A.P. LONT, P.J. TANIS, M.P.W. GALLEE, and O.E. NIEWEG B.K. KROONB.K. KROON , S. HORENBLASS. HORENBLAS , A.P. LONTA.P. LONT , P.J. TANISP.J. TANIS , M.P.W. GALLEEM.P.W. GALLEE , and O.E. NIEWEGO.E. NIEWEG View All Author Information TextPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints ShareFacebookLinked InTwitterEmail Abstract Purpose: In this retrospective study we compared the clinical outcome of early vs delayed excision of lymph node metastases in patients with penile squamous cell carcinoma. Materials and Methods: A total of 40 patients with a T2–3 penile carcinoma with lymph node metastases were included in this study. All patients initially presented with bilateral impalpable lymph nodes. In 20 patients (50%) metastases were removed when they became clinically apparent during meticulous followup (median interval 6 months, range 1 to 24). There were 20 patients (50%) who underwent resection of inguinal metastases detected on dynamic sentinel node biopsy before they became palpable. The histopathological characteristics of the tumors and lymph nodes were reevaluated. Results: The 2 populations were similar in terms of patient age, T-stage, pathological tumor grade, vascular invasion and infiltration depth. Disease specific 3-year survival of patients with positive lymph nodes detected during surveillance was 35% and in those who underwent early resection, 84% (log rank p = 0.0017). In multivariate analysis early resection of occult inguinal metastases detected on dynamic sentinel node biopsy was an independent prognostic factor for disease specific survival (p = 0.006). 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Volume 173Issue 3March 2005Page: 816-819 Advertisement Copyright & Permissions© 2005 by American Urological Association, Inc.Keywordssentinel node biopsypenispenile neoplasmslymphadenectomyMetricsAuthor Information B.K. KROON More articles by this author S. HORENBLAS More articles by this author A.P. LONT More articles by this author P.J. TANIS More articles by this author M.P.W. GALLEE More articles by this author O.E. NIEWEG More articles by this author Expand All Advertisement PDF downloadLoading ...