Abstract Hard X-ray (HXR) observations are crucial for understanding the initiation and evolution of solar eruptive events, as they provide a key signature of flare-accelerated electrons and heated plasma. The potential of high-cadence HXR imaging for deciphering the erupting structure, however, has not received adequate attention in an era of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) imaging abundance. An extreme solar eruptive event on 2022 September 5 observed on the solar far side by both Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter provides the opportunity to showcase the power of HXR imaging in the absence of high-cadence EUV imaging. We investigate the evolution of flare energy release through HXR timing, imaging, and spectral analyses using data from the Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX) on board Solar Orbiter. STIX provides the highest cadence imaging of the energy release sites for this far-side event and offers crucial insight into the nature of energy release, timing of flare particle acceleration, and evolution of the acceleration efficiency. We find that this is a two-phase eruptive event, rather than two distinct eruptions, as has been previously suggested. The eruption begins with an initial peak in flare emission on one side of the active region (AR), marking the rise/destabilization of a loop system followed by notable episodes of energy release across the AR and an eruptive phase associated with a very fast coronal mass ejection, type III radio bursts, and solar energetic particles. We demonstrate that high-cadence HXR imaging spectroscopy is indispensable for understanding the formation of powerful, space-weather relevant eruptions.