In this paper we explore the possibility of a pseudoscalar resonance toaccount for the 750 GeV diphoton excess observed both at ATLAS and at CMS. Weanalyze the ingredients needed from the low energy perspective to obtain asufficiently large diphoton rate to explain the signal while avoidingconstraints from other channels. Additionally, we point out composite Higgsmodels in which one can naturally obtain a pseudoscalar at the 750 GeV massscale and we estimate the pseudoscalar couplings to standard model particlesthat one would have in such models. A generic feature of models that canexplain the excess is the presence of new particles in addition to the 750 GeVstate. Finally, we note that due to the origin of the coupling of the resonanceto photons, one expects to see comparable signals in the $Z\gamma$, $ZZ$, and$WW$ channels.