A finite-time attitude tracking control scheme is proposed for spacecraft using terminal sliding mode and Chebyshev neural network (NN) (CNN). The four-parameter representations (quaternion) are used to describe the spacecraft attitude for global representation without singularities. The attitude state (i.e., attitude and velocity) error dynamics is transformed to a double integrator dynamics with a constraint on the spacecraft attitude. With consideration of this constraint, a novel terminal sliding manifold is proposed for the spacecraft. In order to guarantee that the output of the NN used in the controller is bounded by the corresponding bound of the approximated unknown function, a switch function is applied to generate a switching between the adaptive NN control and the robust controller. Meanwhile, a CNN, whose basis functions are implemented using only desired signals, is introduced to approximate the desired nonlinear function and bounded external disturbances online, and the robust term based on the hyperbolic tangent function is applied to counteract NN approximation errors in the adaptive neural control scheme. Most importantly, the finite-time stability in both the reaching phase and the sliding phase can be guaranteed by a Lyapunov-based approach. Finally, numerical simulations on the attitude tracking control of spacecraft in the presence of an unknown mass moment of inertia matrix, bounded external disturbances, and control input constraints are presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed controller.