The Navier-Stokes transport coefficients of a granular gas are obtained fromthe Chapman-Enskog solution to the Boltzmann equation. The granular gas isheated by the action of an external driving force (thermostat) which does workto compensate for the collisional loss of energy. Two types of thermostats areconsidered: (a) a deterministic force proportional to the particle velocity(Gaussian thermostat), and (b) a random external force (stochastic thermostat).As happens in the free cooling case, the transport coefficients are determinedfrom linear integral equations which can be approximately solved by means of aSonine polynomial expansion. In the leading order, we get those coefficients asexplicit functions of the restitution coefficient $\alpha$. The results arecompared with those obtained in the free cooling case, indicating that theabove thermostat forces do not play a neutral role in the transport. Thekinetic theory results are also compared with those obtained from Monte Carlosimulations of the Boltzmann equation for the shear viscosity. The comparisonshows an excellent agreement between theory and simulation over a wide range ofvalues of the restitution coefficient. Finally, the expressions of thetransport coefficients for a gas of inelastic hard spheres are extended to therevised Enskog theory for a description at higher densities.