Nanoribbons of graphene grown on electronics-grade silicon carbide conduct electrons much better than expected; at room temperature, the charge carriers travel through the nanoribbons without scattering for a surprisingly long distance, more than ten micrometres. Graphene — the one-atom-thick layered form of carbon — has exceptional properties that make it of great interest for new types of high-speed electronic applications. Here Walt de Heer and colleagues show that the thin ribbons of graphene grown on the steep edges of a silicon carbide wafer are extremely efficient electronic conductors. Charge carriers travel through these graphene nanoribbons without scattering for a surprisingly long distance, more than 10 micrometres at room temperature, a performance comparable with that of metallic carbon nanotubes. High conductivity is predicted for graphene but these measurements surpass previous observations and theoretical expectations. Furthermore, electronic transport in these graphene nanoribbons is driven in two ways, one ballistic and temperature-independent and one thermally activated, opening up new directions for fundamental research in graphene properties as nanoelectronic devices. Graphene nanoribbons will be essential components in future graphene nanoelectronics1. However, in typical nanoribbons produced from lithographically patterned exfoliated graphene, the charge carriers travel only about ten nanometres between scattering events, resulting in minimum sheet resistances of about one kilohm per square2,3,4,5. Here we show that 40-nanometre-wide graphene nanoribbons epitaxially grown on silicon carbide6,7 are single-channel room-temperature ballistic conductors on a length scale greater than ten micrometres, which is similar to the performance of metallic carbon nanotubes. This is equivalent to sheet resistances below 1 ohm per square, surpassing theoretical predictions for perfect graphene8 by at least an order of magnitude. In neutral graphene ribbons, we show that transport is dominated by two modes. One is ballistic and temperature independent; the other is thermally activated. Transport is protected from back-scattering, possibly reflecting ground-state properties of neutral graphene. At room temperature, the resistance of both modes is found to increase abruptly at a particular length—the ballistic mode at 16 micrometres and the other at 160 nanometres. Our epitaxial graphene nanoribbons will be important not only in fundamental science, but also—because they can be readily produced in thousands—in advanced nanoelectronics, which can make use of their room-temperature ballistic transport properties.