c It is recommended that recognition be given that patients with PAD have a high risk of vascular events in other vascular beds.(Evidence Level A), and as such these patients should always be considered high risk for further events.(Level A, class I) 12 c In patients with PAD, it is recommended that optimization of treatment of the concomitant coronary artery disease and cardiac failure should be undertaken.(Evidence Level B, class I) 12 c It is recommended that in patients with renal failure, that attention be paid to the concomitant presence of arteriosclerosis (atherosclerosis plus calcification) in the lower limb, as such disease in this patient population has a poorer prognosis.(Evidence Level B, Recommendation class I) 13 Chapter 3: Diagnosis of peripheral arterial disease c It is recommended to perform clinical examination of the feet regularly in patients with PAD.(Evidence level C, recommendation level I) 17 c It is recommended that ABI values 6 0.9 are evidence of clinically significant PAD.(Evidence level B, recommendation level I) 17 c In patients with trophic disorders, diabetes mellitus and in all those with an ABI score of [ 1.3, toe pressure measurements and calculation of the toe-brachial Index are recommended to detect PAD (because of proven or susprected medial sclerosis of the lower limb arteries).(Consensus recommendation, Evidence level C, Recommendation class I) 19 Chapter 4: Therapy for peripheral arterial disease -