Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a disease characterized by a large amount of autoantigens leading to the production of autoantibodies and multiple organ involvement. Among them, anti-dsDNA antibody plays an important role in SLE. Glycosylation is a post-translational modification of protein. And the glycosylation of immunoglobulins, especially IgG, can affect their function and activity. Our previous research has shown that the glycosylation of anti-dsDNA IgG is different from that of total IgG, and it could reflect the disease activity of SLE. However, the correlation between changes in glycosylation of anti-dsDNA IgG and lupus nephritis(LN) before and after treatment is still unclear. Objectives:
To observe the correlation between LN and the changes of anti-dsDNA IgG glycosylation in newly diagnosed SLE patients before and after treatment. Methods:
In a cohort of 100 newly diagnosed SLE patients(Cohort 1),serum samples were collected before and after treatment. The total IgG was purified from sera and then further anti-dsDNA IgG from total IgG was purified. We used ultra high performance liquid chromatography tandem triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI-QqQ MS) to detect the glycosylation level of anti-dsDNA IgG. Furthermore, statistical analysis and machine learning methods(Gradient Boost Decision Tree,GBDT) were employed to explore the glycosylation changes of anti-dsDNA IgG before and after treatment. In addition, the results were validated in another cohort of 86 newly diagnosed SLE patients(Cohort 2). Results:
The sialylation of anti-dsDNA IgG2 is strongly correlated with the pathogenesis of LN and it is validated in Cohort 2. Additionally, the changes in sialylation of anti-dsDNA IgG2 are closely related to the prognosis of LN. Conclusion:
The sialylation of anti-dsDNA IgG2 is closely related to the pathogenesis and prognosis of LN. REFERENCES:
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NIL. Disclosure of Interests:
None declared.