Abstract In this work, q-Residual power series method (q-RPSM) is extended for the first time to solve q-generalized quintic complex Ginzburg-Landau (q-GCGL) equations. In 2019, O. A. Arqub [39], has investigated the solutions of time fractional Schrödinger equations without q-derivative by using RPSM. However, in this article, the RPSM procedure is extended to non-linear q-fractional partial differential
equations and thus some useful results are obtained under the definition of q-derivative, q-gamma func tion, q-Caputo derivative and q-factorial function. The solutions to few numerical examples under the q-Caputo operator are presented. In the current procedure, the targeted q-problems are first converted into system of two non-linear q-fractional partial differential equations and then solved by using q-RPSM. In particular, we considered two illustrative examples of fractional q-GCGL for analytical solutions using q-RPSM. The numerical simulations for the suggested numerical problems are done successfully. Various graphs such as Figures 1-12 are provided to compare the q-RPSM results with the exact solutions of the proposed problems. In this connection, Figures 1 and 4 show the 3D plot comparison between q-RPSM and exact solution of the 1st numerical example for œ and q=1. Figures 2 and 5 illustrate the q-graph
for various values of q and τ . In Figures 3 and 6, we discussed the fractional-solution graphs for different values of œ = 1, 0.7 and 0.5 at fix values of q=0.5, τ = 1 and 0.5. It is also investigated that higher terms series solution have the higher degree of accuracy. In the current q-RPSM simulations, the higher accuracy is achieved by taking sixth terms series solution. The fractional-order solutions are convergent toward integer-order solution as the fractional-order approaches to integer-order. The solutions curve at different q-values is also calculated and obtain the useful dynamics of the targeted problems. The q-analogy can be used effectively in the field of quantum physics and thus keep the higher norm for researchers working in the field.