Salt caverns are extensively utilized for storing various substances such as fossil energy, hydrogen, compressed air, nuclear waste, and industrial solid waste. In China, when the salt cavern is leached through single-well water solution mining with oil as a cushion, engineering challenges arise with the leaching tubing, leading to issues like damage and instability. These problems significantly hinder the progress of cavern construction and the control of cavern shape. The primary cause of this is the flow-induced vibration instability of leaching tubing within a confined space, which results in severe bending or damage to the tubing. This study presents a model experimental investigation on the dynamic characteristics of leaching tubing using a self-developed liquid-solid coupling physical model experiment apparatus. The experiment utilizes a silicone-rubber pipe (SRP) and a polycarbonate pipe (PCP) to examine the effects of various factors on the dynamic stability of cantilevered pipes conveying fluid. These factors include external space constraint, flexural rigidity, medium outside the pipe, overhanging length, and end conditions. The experiments reveal four dynamic response phenomena: water hammer, static buckling, chaotic motion, and flutter instability. The study further demonstrates that the length of the external space constraint has a direct impact on the flutter critical flow velocity of the cantilevered pipe conveying fluid. Additionally, the flutter critical flow velocity is influenced by the end conditions and different external media.