A recently explored interesting quantity in AdS/CFT, dubbed 'residualentropy', characterizes the amount of collective ignorance associated witheither boundary observers restricted to finite time duration, or bulk observerswho lack access to a certain spacetime region. However, the previously-proposedexpression for this quantity involving variation of boundary entanglemententropy (subsequently renamed to 'differential entropy') works only in aseverely restrictive context. We explain the key limitations, arguing that ingeneral, differential entropy does not correspond to residual entropy. Giventhat the concept of residual entropy as collective ignorance transcends theselimitations, we identify two correspondingly robust, covariantly-definedconstructs: a 'strip wedge' associated with boundary observers and a 'rimwedge' associated with bulk observers. These causal sets are well-defined inarbitrary time-dependent asymptotically AdS spacetimes in any number ofdimensions. We discuss their relation, specifying a criterion for when thesetwo constructs coincide, and prove an inclusion relation for a general case. Wealso speculate about the implications for residual entropy. Curiously, despiteeach construct admitting a well-defined finite quantity related to the areas ofassociated bulk surfaces, these quantities are not in one-to-one correspondencewith the defining regions of unknown. This has nontrivial implications aboutholographic measures of quantum information.