The present investigation was conducted at Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology, Narendra Nagar (Kumarganj), Ayodhya (U.P.), the Main Experimental Station of the Department of Vegetable Science conducted the current study in Zaid, 2023. Using three replications of twenty-five genotypes, the experiment was run in a Randomised Complete Block Design to investigate genetic diversity, heritability, and genetic advancement in mean percentage among nineteen distinct traits. The experiment's design analysis of variance revealed highly significant variations in each character's genotype. The most promising genotypes for fruit were found to be NDBG-22-10 (426.76 q), NDBG-22-19 (413.45 q), and NDBG-22-6 (408.87 q), based on the average performance of fruit output per hectare and the number of seeds per fruit component.