We derive constraints on the operator product expansion of two stress tensorsin conformal field theories (CFTs), both generic and holographic. We point outthat in large $N$ CFTs with a large gap to single-trace higher spin operators,the stress tensor sector is not only universal, but isolated: that is, $\langleTT{\cal O}\rangle=0$, where ${\cal O}\neq T$ is a single-trace primary. We showthat this follows from a suppression of $\langle TT{\cal O}\rangle$ by powersof the higher spin gap, $\Delta_{\rm gap}$, dual to the bulk mass scale ofhigher spin particles, and explain why $\langle TT{\cal O}\rangle$ is a moresensitive probe of $\Delta_{\rm gap}$ than $a-c$ in 4d CFTs. This resultimplies that, on the level of cubic couplings, the existence of a consistenttruncation to Einstein gravity is a direct consequence of the absence of higherspins. By proving similar behavior for other couplings $\langle T{\calO}_1{\cal O}_2\rangle$ where ${\cal O}_i$ have spin $s_i\leq 2$, we are led topropose that $1/\Delta_{\rm gap}$ is the CFT "dual" of an AdS derivative in aclassical action. These results are derived by imposing unitarity on mixedsystems of spinning four-point functions in the Regge limit. Using the samemethod, but without imposing a large gap, we derive new inequalities on thesethree-point couplings that are valid in any CFT. These are generalizations ofthe Hofman-Maldacena conformal collider bounds. By combining the collider boundon $TT$ couplings to spin-2 operators with analyticity properties of CFT data,we argue that all three tensor structures of $\langle TTT\rangle$ in thefree-field basis are nonzero in interacting CFTs.