The accurate estimation of six degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) object poses is essential for many applications in robotics and augmented reality. However, existing methods for 6DoF pose estimation often depend on CAD templates or dense support views, restricting their usefulness in real-world situations. In this study, we present a new cascade framework named Cas6D for few-shot 6DoF pose estimation that is generalizable and uses only RGB images. To address the false positives of target object detection in the extreme few-shot setting, our framework utilizes a self-supervised pre-trained ViT to learn robust feature representations. Then, we initialize the nearest top-K pose candidates based on similarity score and refine the initial poses using feature pyramids to formulate and update the cascade warped feature volume, which encodes context at increasingly finer scales. By discretizing the pose search range using multiple pose bins and progressively narrowing the pose search range in each stage using predictions from the previous stage, Cas6D can overcome the large gap between pose candidates and ground truth poses, which is a common failure mode in sparse-view scenarios. Experimental results on the LINEMOD and GenMOP datasets demonstrate that Cas6D outperforms state-of-the-art methods by 9.2% and 3.8& accuracy (Proj-5) under the 32-shot setting compared to OnePose++ and Gen6D. Our framework also performs best under the full-shot setting with all support views. Code is avilable at