Evolutionary neural network architecture search (ENAS) has attracted the attention of many experts due to its global optimization capabilities to automatically search for convolutional neural network architectures based on the target task. The current search space for ENAS is not to design a fully structured network, but to search for smaller cell architectures to reduce search costs. However, blind search strategies do not effectively utilize the potential experience of the population. In order to utilize the potential experience learned by the current population to guide the evolutionary search of the population, we propose a similarity guided neural network architecture search algorithm based on cell architecture, which utilizes the similarity between pairwise architectures in the population as empirical knowledge learned by the population. Our proposed algorithm provides a novel method for calculating architecture similarity, which calculates architecture similarity separately from the cell and macro-structure. Then we decouple the connections and operations in the cell and calculate connection and operation similarity separately. In addition, we propose adaptive similarity selection and binary tournament selection strategies to enhance the algorithm's global and local search capabilities and effectively explore the search space. Finally, we design an improved single-point crossover operator to enhance the local search ability of the evolutionary operator. The experimental results show that SAGNAS is a competitive algorithm that achieves 97.44% and 81.60% in CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 with only 1.9 GPU-days spent.