A grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) power system with high voltage gain is proposed, and the steady-state model analysis and the control strategy of the system are presented in this paper. For a typical PV array, the output voltage is relatively low, and a high voltage gain is obligatory to realize the grid-connected function. The proposed PV system employs a ZVT-interleaved boost converter with winding-coupled inductors and active-clamp circuits as the first power-processing stage, which can boost a low voltage of the PV array up to a high dc-bus voltage. Accordingly, an accurate steady-state model is obtained and verified by the simulation and experimental results, and a full-bridge inverter with bidirectional power flow is used as the second power-processing stage, which can stabilize the dc-bus voltage and shape the output current. Two compensation units are added to perform in the system control loops to achieve the low total harmonic distortion and fast dynamic response of the output current. Furthermore, a simple maximum-power-point-tracking method based on power balance is applied in the PV system to reduce the system complexity and cost with a high performance. At last, a 2-kW prototype has been built and tested to verify the theoretical analysis of the paper.