Abstract When the velocity shear between the two plasmas separated by Earth's magnetopause is locally super‐Alfvénic, the Kelvin‐Helmholtz (KH) instability can develop. A crucial role is played by the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) orientation, which can stabilize the velocity shear. Although, in a linear regime, the instability threshold is equally satisfied during both northward and southward IMF orientations, in situ measurements show that KH instability is preferentially excited during the northward IMF orientation. We investigate this different behavior by means of a mixing parameter which we apply to two KH events to identify both boundaries and the center of waves/vortices. During the northward orientation, the waves/vortex boundaries have stronger electrons than ions mixing, while the opposite is observed at their center. During the southward orientation, instead, particle mixing is observed predominantly at the boundaries. In addition, stronger local ion and electron non‐thermal features are observed during the northward than the southward IMF orientation. Specifically, ion distribution functions are more distorted, due to field‐aligned beams, and electrons have a larger temperature anisotropy during the northward than the southward IMF orientation. The observed kinetic features provide an insight into both local and remote processes that affect the evolution of KH structures.