One of the simplest $(1,0)$ supersymmetric theories in six dimensions liveson the world volume of one M5 brane at a $D$ type singularity$\mathbb{C}^2/D_k$. The low energy theory is given by an SQCD theory with$Sp(k-4)$ gauge group, a precise number of $2k$ flavors which is anomaly free,and a scale which is set by the inverse gauge coupling. The Higgs branch atfinite coupling $\mathcal{H}_f$ is a closure of a nilpotent orbit of $D_{2k}$and develops many more flat directions as the inverse gauge coupling is set tozero (violating a standard lore that wrongly claims the Higgs branch remainsclassical). The quaternionic dimension grows by $29$ for any $k$ and the Higgsbranch stops being a closure of a nilpotent orbit for $k>4$, with an exceptionof $k=4$ where it becomes $\overline{{\rm min}_{E_8}}$, the closure of theminimal nilpotent orbit of $E_8$, thus having a rare phenomenon of flavorsymmetry enhancement in six dimensions. Geometrically, the natural inclusion of$\mathcal{H}_f \subset \mathcal{H}_{\infty}$ fits into the Brieskorn Slodowytheory of transverse slices, and the transverse slice is computed to be$\overline{{\rm min}_{E_8}}$ for any $k>3$. This is identified with the wellknown small $E_8$ instanton transition where 1 tensor multiplet is traded with29 hypermultiplets, thus giving a physical interpretation to the geometrictheory. By the analogy with the classical case, we call this the Kraft Procesitransition.