CYGNO is an international collaboration with the aim of operating a optical time projection chamber (TPC) for directional Dark Matter (DM) searches and solar neutrino spectroscopy, to be deployed at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS). A / (60/40) mixture is used, along with a triple Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) cascade to amplify the ionization signal. The scintillation produced in the electron avalanches is read out using a scientific complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (sCMOS) camera. This solution has proven to provide very high sensitivity to interactions in the few energy range. The inclusion of a hydrogen-based gas will offer an even lighter target, resulting in a more efficient energy transfer in a DM particle collision, and consequently, a lower detection threshold. Additionally, longer track lengths of light nuclear recoils are easier to detect with a clearer direction. However, the addition of such gas will contribute to quenching the scintillation, jeopardizing the TPC performance. In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of adding 1% to 5% isobutane to the / (60/40) mixture by measuring the respective absolute scintillation yield output. The overall scintillation produced in the charge avalanches is not drastically suppressed by quenching due to the isobutane addition. The presence of Penning transfer from excited He atoms to isobutane molecules increases the number of electrons in the avalanches, partially compensating for the loss of scintillation due to quenching. For the highest applied GEM voltage, the total number of photons produced in the avalanche per deposited in the absorption region presents a decrease of only a factor of about three, from 2.30(20)×104 to 8.2(4)×103 , as the isobutane content increases from 0 to 5%. The quantification of the visible component of the scintillation shows that isobutane quenches both visible and ultraviolet (UV) photons emitted by /.