Part 1 Basic methods and approaches: direct observation of performance, Drury indirect observation of performance, Sinclair computerized data collection, Drury archival data, Drury designing ergonomics studies and experiments, Drury standards, Stockbridge. Part 2 Techniques in design and evaluation: product assessment and user testing, McClelland methods for evaluating text, Hartley evaluation of the human computer interface, Christie knowledge acquisition, Shadbolt. Part 3 Assessing the physical workplace: assessment of the visual environment, Howarth assessment of the climatic environment, Parsons auditory environment and noise assessment, Haslegrave vibration assessment, Bonney anthropometry and biomechanics in workplace design, Pheasant computer workspace modelling, Porter. Part 4 Analysis of work activities: physical workload assessment, Kilbom and Corlett techniques in mental workload measurement, Manenica verbal protocol analysis, Bainbridge stress at work, Cox evaluation of visual performance, Megaw job attitudes, Grey. Part 5 Analysis and evaluation of work systems: task analysis, Stammers et al human reliability analysis, Kirwan simulation and modelling, Meister Accident reporting and analysis, Brown organization analysis, Shipley economic analysis, Simpson and Mason. Part 6 Introduction and implementation of systems: participation ideology and methodology in ergonomics practice new systems implementation, Eason.