The classification of 4d $\mathcal{N}=2$ SCFTs boils down to theclassification of conical special geometries with closed Reeb orbits (CSG).Under mild assumptions, one shows that the underlying complex space of a CSG is(birational to) an affine cone over a simply-connected $\mathbb{Q}$-factoriallog-Fano variety with Hodge numbers $h^{p,q}=\delta_{p,q}$. With some plausiblerestrictions, this means that the Coulomb branch chiral ring $\mathscr{R}$ is agraded polynomial ring generated by global holomorphic functions $u_i$ ofdimension $\Delta_i$. The coarse-grained classification of the CSG consists inlisting the (finitely many) dimension $k$-tuples$\{\Delta_1,\Delta_2,\cdots,\Delta_k\}$ which are realized as Coulomb branchdimensions of some rank-$k$ CSG: this is the problem we address in this paper.Our sheaf-theoretical analysis leads to an Universal Dimension Formula for thepossible $\{\Delta_1,\cdots,\Delta_k\}$'s. For Lagrangian SCFTs the UniversalFormula reduces to the fundamental theorem of Springer Theory. The number $\boldsymbol{N}(k)$ of dimensions allowed in rank $k$ is given bya certain sum of the Erd\"os-Bateman Number-Theoretic function (sequenceA070243 in OEIS) so that for large $k$ In thespecial case $k=2$ our dimension formula reproduces a recent result by Argyreset al. Class Field Theory implies a subtlety: certain dimension $k$-tuples$\{\Delta_1,\cdots,\Delta_k\}$ are consistent only if supplemented byadditional selection rules on the electro-magnetic charges, that is, for a SCFTwith these Coulomb dimensions not all charges/fluxes consistent with Diracquantization are permitted. We illustrate the various aspects with several examples and perform a numberof explicit checks. We include tables of dimensions for the first few $k$'s.