We have been developing X-ray optics for a fourth FOXSI (Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager) sounding rocket experiment, FOXSI-4. We fabricated two types of X-ray optics, soft X-ray optics (SXR) and hard X-ray optics (HXR), specified for soft and hard X-ray observations. We conducted X-ray irradiation tests to evaluate X-ray performances such as angular resolution and effective area. For the Flight Model (FM) SXR, the resultant angular resolution in Half Power Diameter (HPD) is 16 ± 2 / 14 ± 2 arcseconds at 2.7 / 4.5 keV for the best images, respectively and no significant energy dependence in HPD is seen. The observed effective area was reproduced within an accuracy of 10% by using our original ray-tracing simulator considering all of the SXR components in the 1.5-16 keV range at the smallest off-axis angle. Subsequently, both FM mirror module assemblies were integrated into a sounding rocket in combination with detectors and the vibration tests were performed for the whole sounding rocket system. Finally, FOXSI-4 was successfully launched on April 17, 2024 (UTC), and the sounding rocket and the data were also recovered successfully.