Approximately 30% of critically ill patients have seizures, and more than half of these seizures do not have an overt clinical correlate. EEG is needed to avoid missing seizures and prevent overtreatment with antiseizure medications. Conventional-EEG (cEEG) resources are logistically constrained and unable to meet their growing demand for seizure detection even in highly developed centers. Brief EEG screening with the validated 2HELPS2B algorithm was proposed as a method to triage cEEG resources, but it is hampered by cEEG requirements, primarily EEG technologists. Seizure risk-stratification using reduced time-to-application rapid response-EEG (rrEEG) systems (∼5 minutes) could be a solution. We assessed the noninferiority of the 2HELPS2B score on a 1-hour rrEEG compared to cEEG.