We study interacting massive N=(2,2) supersymmetric field theories in twodimensions which arise from deforming conformal field theories with acontinuous spectrum. Firstly, we deform N=2 superconformal Liouville theorywith relevant operators, and twist the theory into a topological quantum fieldtheory. These theories can be thought of as twisted Landau-Ginzburg models withnegative power superpotential. We determine the structure constants of thechiral ring and therefore all correlators of these topological quantum fieldtheories. We provide general formulas for the deformed operators of givencharge as well as explicit solutions to the WDVV equations. Secondly, weanalyze the topological anti-topological sector of the theory. We compute themetric at the conformal point through localization. Moreover, we show that thetopological-anti-topological fusion differential equations on the metric in afamily of non-compact theories takes the affine Toda form. The metric as afunction of the family of theories is identical to the metric in certaindeformed compact models. For a negative cubic power Landau-Ginzburgsuperpotential, for instance, it is governed by the Painlev\'e III differentialequation.