Writing the fully color dressed and graviton amplitudes, respectively, as${\bf A}= = $ and ${\bf A}_{gr}= <\tilde N|M|N> $, where $|A> $ isa set of Kleiss-Kuijf color-ordered basis, $|N>, $|\tilde N> $ and $|C>$ arethe similarly ordered numerators and color coefficients, we show that thepropagator matrix $M$ has $(n-3)(n-3)!$ independent eigenvectors $|\lambda^0_j>$ with zero eigenvalue, for $n$-particle processes. The resultingequations $<\lambda ^0_j|A> = 0$ are relations among the color orderedamplitudes. The freedom to shift $|N> \to |N> +\sum_j f_j|\lambda ^0_j>$ andsimilarly for $|\tilde N>$, where $f_j$ are $(n-3)(n-3)!$ arbitrary functions,encodes generalized gauge transformations. They yield both BCJ amplitude andKLT relations, when such freedom is accounted for. Furthermore, $f_j$ can bepromoted to the role of effective Lagrangian vertices in the field operatorspace.