Condensins are large protein complexes required for chromosome assembly and segregation during mitosis and meiosis. Mouse or bovine embryos lacking SMC2 (a core component of condensins I and II) do not complete development to term, but it is unknown when they arrest their development. Herein, we have assessed the developmental ability of bovine embryos lacking SMC2 due to a naturally occurring mutation termed HH3 (Holstein Haplotype 3) or by CRISPR-mediated gene ablation. To determine if embryos homozygous for HH3 allele survive to maternal recognition of pregnancy, embryonic day (E)14 embryos were flushed from superovulated carrier cows inseminated with a carrier bull. Mendelian inheritance of HH3 allele was observed at E14 conceptuses but conceptuses homozygous for HH3 failed to achieve elongation and lack embryonic disc. To assess the consequence of the ablation of condensins I and II at earlier developmental stages, SMC2 KO bovine embryos were generated in vitro using CRISPR technology. SMC2 KO embryos were able to form blastocysts but exhibited reduced cell proliferation as evidenced by a significantly lower number of total, trophectoderm (CDX2+) and inner cell mass (SOX2+) cells at Day (D) 8 post-fertilization compared to their WT counterparts and were unable to survive to D12 in vitro. SMC2 ablation did not alter relative telomere length at D8, D12 or E14. In conclusions, condensins I and II are required for blastomere mitosis during early development and embryos lacking those complexes arrest their development shortly after blastocyst hatching.