Syntrophy achieved via microbial cooperation is vital for anaerobic hydrocarbon degradation and methanogenesis. However, limited understanding of the metabolic division of labor and electronic interactions in electro-stimulated microbiota has impeded the development of enhanced biotechnologies for degrading hydrocarbons to methane. Here, compared to the non-electro-stimulated methanogenic toluene-degrading microbiota, electro-stimulation at 800 mV promoted toluene degradation and methane production efficiencies by 11.49 %-14.76 % and 75.58 %-290.11 %, respectively. Hydrocarbon-degrading gene bamA amplification and metagenomic sequencing analyses revealed that f_Syntrophobacteraceae MAG116 may act as a toluene degrader in the non-electro-stimulated microbiota, which was proposed to establish electron syntrophy with the acetoclastic methanogen Methanosarcina spp. (or Methanothrix sp.) through e-pili or shared acetate. In the electro-stimulated microbiota, 37.22 ± 4.33 % of Desulfoprunum sp. (affiliated f_Desulfurivibrionaceae MAG10) and 58.82 ± 3.74 % of the hydrogenotrophic methanogen Methanobacterium sp. MAG74 were specifically recruited to the anode and cathode, respectively. The potential electrogen f_Desulfurivibrionaceae MAG10 engaged in interspecies electron transfer with both syntroph f_Syntrophobacteraceae MAG116 and the anode, which might be facilitated by c-type cytochromes (e.g., ImcH, OmcT, and PilZ). Moreover, upon capturing electrons from the external circuit, the hydrogen-producing electrotroph Aminidesulfovibrio sp. MAG60 could share electrons and hydrogen with the methanogen Methanobacterium sp. MAG74, which uniquely harbored hydrogenase genes ehaA-R and ehbA-P. This study elucidates the microbial interaction mechanisms underlying the enhanced metabolic efficiency of the electro-stimulated methanogenic toluene-degrading microbiota, and emphasizes the significance of metabolic and electron syntrophic interactions in maintaining the stability of microbial community functionality.