Aims. The goal of the CHIANTI atomic database is to provide a set of atomic data for the interpretation of astrophysical spectra emitted by collisionally dominated, high temperature, optically thin sources.Methods. A complete set of ground level ionization and recombination rate coefficients has been assembled for all atoms and ions of the elements of H through Zn and inserted into the latest version of the CHIANTI database, CHIANTI 6. Ionization rate coefficients are taken from the recent work of Dere (2007, A&A, 466, 771) and recombination rates from a variety of sources in the literature. These new rate coefficients have allowed the calculation of a new set of ionization equilibria and radiative loss rate coefficients. For some ions, such as and , there are significant differences from previous calculations. In addition, existing atomic parameters have been revised and new atomic parameters inserted into the database.Results. For each ion in the CHIANTI database, elemental abundances, ionization potentials, atomic energy levels, radiative rates, electron and proton collisional rate coefficients, ionization and recombination rate coefficients, and collisional ionization equilibrium populations are provided. In addition, parameters for the calculation of the continuum due to bremsstrahlung, radiative recombination and two-photon decay are provided. A suite of programs written in the Interactive Data Language (IDL) are available to calculate line and continuum emissivities and other properties. All data and programs are freely available at